Saturday, May 15, 2010

There has been some questions about if my parents pay for the apartment as well as they pay for my expensive clothes.
First of all: I'm a student - and in Denmark we get something called SU (public support when you're a student and 18 years old or more) - and this SU pays for my apartment (and Kasper has a job - he pays the other half). And as I told you before - I actually had a job. And I'll get another job when I'm done as a student. It's not like my parents give me everything that I point on! The presents they have given me are for some reasons that I can not tell in public. And as I said - I'm not just getting and getting and getting - I'm selling (Trendsales - the Danish kind of Ebay), and that's why I can afford to buy new stuff the whole time. I hope you get it now - no doubt that you're questioning.

Have a nice saturday!